Man Up Durham is a men's wellness and mental health walk & talk charity that offers peer-to-peer support, advice, companionship, camaraderie and signposting.
The charity aims to provide various platforms to support men's mental health in the Durham area.

Launched in February, 2024, Man Up Durham provides men over the age of 18 in the Durham area with a weekly opportunity to walk & talk.
With no fees, no membership, no sign-up and no obligation, we operate an open-door policy to our walks. We aim to make each walk accessible for as many men as possible, with various degrees of challenge.
In order to expand our reach, we aim to provide location walks monthly where active members can attempt pathways and tracks they otherwise may not get the opportunity to frequent.
As we grow and form friendships and partnerships in the Durham area, we will aim to improve our provisions to cater for those who need more than just a stroll in the great outdoors.